A Humble
Christians Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven,
Bless us people upon this earth.
Take us in your heart so kind,
Forgive us of our sins, especially mine
When we die we want to be,
in heaven beside thee.
It's for these things that I do pray,
that we will be there soon someday.
The Pearly Gates of the golden street,
I pray that soon we shall meet.
To meet you God in heaven above,
To find our way, to see your love.
I pray dear God that you will hear,
To know how true and so sincere.
I pray dear God my loved ones too,
will make it there to be with you.
And as I bow my head to pray,
there is one thing I want to say.
Oh, God, forgive me of my sins,
And lead me to where life begins.
It's to Heaven, God, I want to go,
And this, I hope and pray you know.
Irvine C. Woodrum