
Prayer is commuication with God—
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In this age of computers, nearly everything comes fast, —too fast.
We expect the answer NOW! But that is not the case with Bible study.
—So please, slow down, take your time, and do a thorough study—
And God’s blessing will be yours!
In this study we will be discovering the saving truths
of Revelation 10 by using scripture, —and scripture alone.
ALL links are vitally important in understanding the seven thunders in this study!
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The book of Revelation is full of eternal realities; yet a fearful indifference is shown by most Christians to the contents of this book. Why is it that many have not the slightest concept of what is going on in heaven for their salvation? “Unprepared,” does not adequately describe the deep sleep Satan has lulled this generation into. I am certain that we do not know the time of our visitation. Jesus leaves us with adequate warning and Revelation 10 is that warning. The knowledge of the seven thunders are for the last generation, that makes the seven thunders present truth and present truth will show us that the judgment of the living is at hand! [1Peter 4:7] If we will seek Jesus with our whole heart, humbling ourselves before His eternal throne, we will find Him and He will guide us safely through these last days into the safety of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Before we study Revelation 10 verse-by-verse, if you want to familiarize yourself with the entire chapter, please click here— Revelation 10.
Verses 1-3
1. And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
2. And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
3. And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
All eyes are on the Mighty Angel.
Who is this Mighty Angel? Why are all eyes fixed on this Mighty Angel and the book His Father gave Him? [Rev. 5:1-7] What are we to learn from these detailed descriptions of the Mighty Angel? Could the proper identification of the Mighty Angel and what He is doing in the Heavenly Sanctuary have anything to do with the salvation of the last generation? What does the Mighty Angel in the Heavenly Sanctuary with a little book of seven thunders have to do with the completing of time [verse 6], the mystery of God [verse 7] and the finishing of the gospel [verse 11]? It is no accident that this Mighty Angel is described with these details which are designed to lift our mind upward to heaven itself, showing us the aspects of the character of Christ. Our heart is drawn out in adoration, as we exclaim “In His Tabernacle every whit of it uttereth His glory” [Ps 29:9, margin]. Properly identifying the Mighty Angel within the setting of the Heavenly Sanctuary, will help us understand the little book of seven thunders.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ comes from the Heavenly Sanctuary! We see Him as our sacrificial Lamb in Revelation 5:6! [John 1:29; Rev. 7:14; FS1] We also see Him as our High Priest in Revelation 1:12-16 [8:3; FS2] where He displays our names on His chest as He officiates before the throne of His Father! [Ex. 28:29,30] And here in Revelation 10, Jesus as the Mighty Angel stands for us as our Shekinah in the Most Holy Place! As ancient Israel had the presence of Jesus as the Shekinah, so do we! Now, His holy presence is in the temple of Heaven, interceding for man and sitting in judgment. He is the “Messenger of the covenant”. . .“and he (Jesus) shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.” [Mal. 3:1-3] It is Jesus who is the Refiner and Purifier of His people and it is He who is the Messenger of the everlasting covenant with man. He comes with messages of warnings so that those “who read, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written” will not be lost. [Rev. 1:3] All heaven is astir in preparing God’s people and preparing the nations; for the scenes of earth’s history are coming to a close. We are living among the perils of the last days; the seven thunders are about to be heard in the greatest physical and spiritual storm the world has ever seen, and yet we are not awake! We will need to keep our eyes on the Mighty Angel —Jesus in the Heavenly Sanctuary— more than any previous generation, for every action taking place is for the salvation of man, especially this last generation. [Rev. 4:5; FS3] “Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?” [Ps. 77:13]
Jesus Face and Feet Radiate His Purifying and Refining Love.
Jesus comes to us in these last days as light shining with the strength of the sun from His face and feet [Dan. 2:20-22; 10:5,6; Matt. 17:1,2 (1-13); Rev. 1:15,16; 21:23], to show us where to walk safely in paths of righteousness. [Ps. 23:3] Jesus is the source of all light, —because He is the Light. [John 1:1-14] His feet purify the paths in which we walk; for He walks before us into victory. [Luke 1:78,79; Rev. 6:2] As ancient Israel was lead by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night [Ex. 13:21,22; Deut. 1:33], not just for their physical needs, but even more so for their spiritual needs [Ex. 40:38], so are we invited to follow Jesus in the Heavenly Sanctuary [Rev. 3:7,8,12] as He directs the last great battle here on earth. [Isa. 4:4-6] When the battle’s heat becomes great, it will be His covering as a cloud, which will protect us. When sins’ night is so dark that there is fear of our falling, His Light will guide our steps as the noonday sun. [FS4]
After ancient Israel had traveled the distance allotted them by their Guide, the Cloud came to rest above the exact spot selected to place the Ark of the Covenant. [Num. 9:15-23] The High Priest called for the Ark to come forth and be placed under the cloud in alignment to the compass, and from that location the Sanctuary and all of Israel was measured. The exact position for every pillar of the sanctuary and all the furniture was carefully measured. All the camp was measured, and all Israel came into line according to the placement of the Ark where the purifying fire of the Shekinah burned into each individual’s soul [Isa. 48:10] from the center of the camp. And so it is today. Soon, by an act of the Mighty Angel, the Ark of the Covenant will come from its hiding place [Rev. 11:19; FS5], signaling that the judgment passes from the dead [Rev. 11:18], to the beginning of the judgment of the living. [Rev. 11:1] It is then that our character and position are to be measured according to the placement of the Ark of the Covenant, the Law of God and His statutes. How important is it that we know what is happening in heaven for our salvation by the flaming Shekinah [FS6], which is over the ark of the Testament in this last day of mercy, —the Great Day of Atonement. Should not we be as holy as the priest of ancient Israel, when by faith we plead the blood of the Lamb in this, the Most Holy Place of our God? Out of the cloud over the Sanctuary and out of the fire coming from the Most Holy place of the Sanctuary, we are required during the time of the seven thunders to align our soul temple with the Almighty Measuring Rod. [Rev. 11:1; Zech. 4:9-14; Isa. 28:16-18] “Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?” [1Chron. 29:5-9]
In these last days, it is not a temple in Jerusalem that Christ wants us to build in His honor! There have been many temples built to house the gods man has deemed worthy of worship. But this is not the present truth which Christ wants this last generation to learn. Is it not clear that before this last generation can be translated, they will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, —from their soul temple? The all important question is: Who will we allow to build our soul temple and who will we allow to dwell in it? The great controversy is over the soul temple and who will dwell there. [Rev. 3:20] Satan will in these last days try in every possible way to detract men’s attention from this all important issue. That is exactly why the Revelation of Jesus Christ is written for this generation! Christ wants to place His personal presence in our soul temple, in the Most Holy Place of our being. It is now our privilege to humble ourselves before the Shekinah of the heavenly temple, ask forgiveness of our sins that the living presence of the Shekinah portrayed in Revelation 10:1 may be fulfilled in our soul temple. Sin must be cleansed from our soul temple before it can be cleansed from the Heavenly Temple.“The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former.” “I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.” [Hag. 2:9,7]
I believe we are to learn lessons from Revelation 10 which will prepare us for the trials ahead as well as a place in heaven. Here is seen the great center of the work for man’s redemption. If we have chosen to follow Christ, then we are the very temple of God, with the Ark of His Testament in our hearts, and His holy Law written into the recesses of our heart. There should be seen by all those around us that there is a mercy seat where our Savior dwells, making known His will for our lives. When we converse with people, they should see that the holy angels attend our every move and that they love to worship with us. It should be seen that within our heart is where the living presence of the Shekinah has placed His character, where His Law is written by His own finger onto the walls of our temple that we sin not. Do people see that we have the manna of heaven, the Bread of Life, which when brought into the inner sanctuary of the soul, will sanctify the life. [John 6:48-51; Rev. 2:17] Are we measured by the Rod of Righteousness, the living expression of God’s character, showing that we are a chosen priesthood? Do we study His commandments, statutes, and judgments, delighting to do all His Laws. [Deut. 30:16; Ps. 40:8] Yes, I believe we are living before the Holy One of Israel and by faith we are to watch what Jesus is doing in the Heavenly Sanctuary! [FS7] The Shekinah of Revelation 10 wants to dwell fully in our soul temple. And it is here, within our soul temple, during the last Great Day of Atonement, that the great controversy will be won. It is in the heart of the willing, that the plan of redemption is fully implemented and completed!
To those who love Him, His welcomed Truth is the Refiner’s fire, refining our soul temple as pure gold, that Christ character might shine through us in untarnished brilliance and illuminate the moral darkness of the world. [Zech. 13:9] To those who hate Him, He is the all seeing eye of a devouring flame. [Rev. 1:14; 5:6] All those in these last days who do not, with their spiritual eye [Rev. 3:18], enter into the Heavenly Sanctuary, and keep their attention fully focused on the Mighty Angel as the thundering events of the little book have their fulfillment, will certainly be at risk of loosing their own souls and cast without the camp. Jesus was and still is enshrouded in a pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. Are we accepting the significance of Jesus portrayed this way in the Heavenly Sanctuary? [Rev. 3:2,3]
I am so sorry to have to break this off at this point,
but the rest of this study is under construction.
Please check back for new content.

If you have come this far. . .
Click for a chart of the seven thunders.