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North & East Please notice; this chart is placed with north as down and east at the left.
The reason for this is to show the Plan of Salvation in the Sanctuary in a timeline.
There are client-side "hot spots" on this chart which lead to commentary in The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation by Uriah Smith. Below are the same links with additional links marked "FS" (Further Study) which lead to this commentary and others.
Before the Throne of God and
The Challenge of the Sealed Book
In the study of the Heavenly Sanctuary service, I see a unique timeline which effects very much so, the events on earth. The Heavenly Sanctuary service starts with the literal fulfillment of Christ as the Sacrifice for sin in 31 A.D. and ends after the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary just before Christ’s Second Coming. 31 A.D. 96 1844 Close of Probation Christ’s Second Coming