Previous Study | Index | Next Study ![]() Following Jesus All The Way Download PDF of this page. One of the most pathetic stories recorded in the Bible is that of the rich young ruler who came to Jesus seeking eternal life. Is this story a reflection of our own experience? You will find the story recorded in Matthew 19:16-22. The story is beautifully presented in the book The Desire of Ages, pages 518-520, in these words: ‘And when He was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to Him, and asked Him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?. . . This ruler had a high estimate of his own righteousness. He did not really suppose that he was defective in anything, yet he was not altogether satisfied. He felt the want of something that he did not possess. Could not Jesus bless him as He blessed the little children, and satisfy his soul want? In reply to this question Jesus told him that obedience to the commandments of God was necessary if he would obtain eternal life; and He quoted several of the commandments which show mans duty to his fellowmen. The rulers answer was positive: ‘All these things have I kept from my youth up: What lack I yet?’ Christ looked into the face of the young man, as if reading his life and searching his character. He loved him, and He hungered to give him that peace and grace and joy which would materially change his character. ‘One thing thou lackest,’ He said; ‘go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.’. . . The very holiness of God was offered to the young ruler. He had the privilege of becoming a son of God, and a coheir with Christ to the heavenly treasure. But he must take up the cross, and follow the Saviour in the path of self-denial. . . . He wanted the heavenly treasure, but he wanted also the temporal advantages his riches would bring him. He was sorry that such conditions existed; he desired eternal life, but he was not willing to make the sacrifice. The cost of eternal life seemed too great, and he went away sorrowful: ‘for he had great possessions.’ Too many of us are like the rich young ruler. We long for everlasting life, but we are unwilling to go all the way with Jesus. 1. How far was Jesus willing to go for us? Philippians 2:5-8 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ (Verse 8) 2. What is the first step we must take to be saved? Acts 16:30, 31 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. How earnest must be our desire to become righteous? Matthew 5:6 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. When only will we find God? Jeremiah 29:12, 13 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 5. When the man in the parable found a great treasure, how much was he willing to sacrifice to secure it? Matthew 13:44-46 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 6. When a person finds the wonderful treasure of salvation, how much should he be willing to sacrifice to obtain it? Your Answer:__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 7. What does Jesus say of one who lets a loved one keep him from being a Christian? Matthew 10:36, 37 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 8. What did Jesus say about the individual who is unwilling to leave all for Him? Matthew 10:38 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 9. How far must we be willing to go for Jesus? Luke 9:23 The Bible Says: 1. Let him____________________________________________________ 2. and take up__________________________________________________ 3. and_______________________________________________________. 10. What kept the rulers of Christs day from accepting Him? John 12:42, 43 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 11. What kept the rich young ruler from following Jesus all the way? Matthew 19:21, 22 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 12. When we have started on the way with Jesus, what should we purpose to do? II Peter 3:17, 18 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 13. What will be our happy experience if we walk in the light which God has caused to shine on our pathway? I John 1:6, 7 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 14. What wonderful promises are made to us if We follow Jesus all the way? Matthew 19:27-29 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 15. Are you willing to follow Jesus all the way? Your Answer:__________________________________________________ God will not accept a halfhearted surrender. Jesus said that it is impossible to serve two masters. Paul became a great Christian because he followed Jesus all the way. When he was persecuting the Christians, he was the most diligent persecutor the church had; but when he became a Christian, his consecration was just as great. The true Christian will be willing to do anything God indicates. Abraham of old is called the father of the faithful. He was willing to do everything God commanded him to do. It is said of him in Genesis 26:5, Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws. When God asked Abraham to take his son and offer him as a sacrifice, he did not hesitate to follow Gods command. Taking his son and two servants, Abraham set out for the place appointed for the sacrifice. Arriving at the mountain the third day, Isaac asked, Behold, the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? Genesis 22:7. Abraham told the lad that God would provide the lamb for the burnt offering. Abraham did not know how he would be able to carry out Gods command, but he had faith to believe that God would provide a solution. He would not withhold anything from God, so complete was Abrahams surrender. God honored his dedication and provided a sacrifice so that Abraham could obey Gods command and at the same time have his son alive. Let us trust God. Let us not be afraid to do His will, to keep His commandments the will of Christ. He makes Himself responsible for our welfare. If, when we have been disobedient, either willfully or through a lack of knowledge, God has cared for us, is He likely to fail us when we step out to obey Him? In this solemn moment, may we invite you to bow your head and tell the Lord you will follow Jesus all the way. Tell Him, in your own way, that you surrender fully to do His will, put your hand in the hand of Jesus to go all the way with Him. 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