Daniel Chapter 12b
Table of Contents
Revelation Chapter 1
Page 335
The Response of History
to the Revelation
Page 336
Picture on this page.
“We have also a more sure
word of prophecy; where-
unto ye do well that ye take
heed, as unto a light that
shineth in a dark place,
until the day dawn, and
the day star arise in
your hearts.”
2 Peter 1:19
Page 337
Revelation Introduction
The Revelation, usually termed “The Apocalypse,” from
its Greek name, {Greek- Apokavlnyis} Apokalypsis, meaning “a disclosure, a revelation,” has been described to be “a
panorama of the glory of Christ.” In the Evangelists we have the
record of His humiliation, His condescension, His toil and sufferings, His
patience, His mockings by those who should have done Him reverence, and
finally His death upon the shameful cross—a death esteemed in that age to
be the most ignominious that men could inflict. In the Revelation we have
the gospel of His enthronement in glory, His association with the Father
upon the throne of universal dominion, His overruling providence among the
nations of the earth, and His coming again, not a homeless stranger, but in
power and great glory, to punish His enemies and reward His followers.
Scenes of glory surpassing fable are unveiled before us in this book.
Appeals of unwonted power bear down upon the impenitent from its sacred
pages in threatenings of judgment that have no parallel in any other
portion of the book of God. Consolation which no language can describe is
here given to the humble followers of Christ in this world. No other book
takes us at once, and so irresistibly, into another sphere. Long vistas
are here opened before us, which are bounded by no terrestrial objects, but
carry us forward into other worlds. And if ever themes of thrilling and
impressive interest, and grand and lofty imagery, and sublime and
magnificent description, can invite the attention of mankind, then the
Revelation invites us to a careful study of its pages, which urge upon our
notice the realities of a momentous future and an unseen world.
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Daniel Chapter 12b
Table of Contents
Revelation Chapter 1