Last Chapter | Tell of His Power Index | Next Chapter Vivid ImageryComparisons are one of the most effective techniques at the command of the gifted writer. Magazine articles, books, and even letters of Ellen White contain a remarkable variety of similies, metaphors, and other illustrations used with impressive skill. When she writes, “Take your hearts, by nature cold as an iron wedge,” the imagery is immediately convincing. When she changes the figure to compare our hearts to “soil overgrown by thorns,” with passions that are “fierce as a tempest,” and warns that in our human strength we are “helpless . . . to control the raging storm, how can we disagree? Fortunately, she does not leave us there. She writes also of the “Hand that upholds the world” that is able to uphold us; of the “Physician of soul and body” who can give victory over warring lusts; of the “mighty lever of truth” that “takes us out of the quarry of the world and places us in the work-shop of God;” and of “the graft that receives life by being united with the vine.” She writes, “As wax takes the impression of the seal, so the soul is to take the impression of the Spirit of God,” and that “He who curbed the lions in their den and walked with His faithful witnesses amid the fiery flames is just as ready to work in our behalf, to subdue every evil in our nature.” How encouraging to know that we may develop “characters that are spotless as the pure lily that opens its blossom on the bosom of the lake.” May this matchless use of imagery help us to understand more fully the beauty and magnitude of God’s love and power. The creative energy that called the world into existence is in the Word of God. This Word imparts power; it begets life. Every command is 261 a promise; accepted by the will, received into the soul, it brings with it the life of the Infinite One. It transforms the nature and recreates the soul in the image of God. 4ST 417 The same power that turned the water to wine at the marriage feast of Cana is able to eradicate all evil from our nature, and to make us partakers of the divine nature. The very same power that made the leper clean can make the heart pure, fit for the society of God, of angels, and of the redeemed host. Holy obedience will be found only in the righteousness which Christ imparts to the believing soul. 2ST 442 He who curbed the lions in their den, and walked with His faithful witnesses amid the fiery flames, is just as ready to work in our behalf, to subdue every evil in our nature. MH 90 If men would come to Christ and learn His meekness and lowliness, they would not refuse to render obedience to the law of God, But they forsake the fountain of living water, and hew out for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. 2ST 422 Grafts may still be united with the vine. As the severed branch, leafless, and apparently lifeless, is ingrafted into the living stock, and, fiber by fiber, and vein by vein, drinks in the life and strength of the vine until it buds and blossoms and bears fruit, even so may the sinner, by repentance and faith, connect himself with Christ, become a partaker of the divine nature, and bring forth in words and deeds the fruit of a holy life. 1RH 365 With our limited powers we are to be as holy in our sphere as God is holy in His sphere. To the extent of our ability, we are to make manifest the truth and love and excellence of the divine character. As wax takes the impression of the seal, so the soul is to take the impression of the Spirit of God and retain the image of Christ. 4ST 440; 1SM 337 A daily striving to know God and Jesus Christ will give to the mind a power and efficiency more precious than gold or silver. As we faithfully endeavor to improve our God-given faculties, we are made partakers of the divine nature. 4ST 133 Live in contact with the living Christ, and He will hold you firmly by a hand that will never let go. Know and believe the love that God has to us, and you are secure; that love is a fortress impregnable to all the delusions and assaults of Satan. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” 4ST 358 God has had power to make the flowers fair and fragrant, and He 262 has power to give meekness and lowliness to the heart, to impart purity and nobility to the character, to make us complete in Jesus. 3ST 47 There is no need for us always to be babes in religious things. We are to grow up to the full stature of men and women in Christ. 5RH 149 The study of the Bible, the hours of secret communion with God, meditation upon heavenly themes will develop into purity of character resembling the spotless lily. 1ST 57 To those who obey, the Word of God is the tree of life. It possesses the elements necessary for the formation of a perfect character, and on the effect which its teaching produces in us depends our destiny for eternity. 4ST 150 Striking its roots deep down into the earth, the tree gains strength to withstand the tempest. So the Christian is to be “rooted and grounded” in the truth, that he may stand firm against the temptations of the enemy. He must have a continual renewal of strength, and he must hold firmly to Bible truth. Fables of every kind will be brought in to seduce the believer from his allegiance to God, but he is to look up, believe in God, and stand firmly rooted and grounded in the truth. 5RH 163 Yes, the Word of God is the bread of life. Those who eat and digest this Word, making it a part of every action and of every attribute of character, grow strong in the strength of God. It gives immortal vigor to the soul, perfecting the experience and bringing joys that will abide forever. 4ST 246; 4ST 326 This Word is the bread of heaven. Those who receive it, and make it a part of their lives, grow strong in the strength of God. 4ST 333 The sap of the vine, ascending from the root, is diffused to the branches, sustaining growth and producing blossoms and fruit. So the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Saviour, pervades the soul, renews the motives and affections, and brings even the thoughts into obedience to the will of God, enabling the receiver to bear the precious fruit of holy deeds. AA 284 The rainbow of promise encircling the throne on high is an everlasting testimony that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. It testifies to the universe that God will never forsake His people in their struggle with evil. It is an assurance to us of strength and protection as long as the throne itself shall endure. DA 493 263 If you connect with heaven, you may, in the name and strength of Jesus, develop symmetrical characters; characters that are spotless as the pure lily that opens its blossom on the bosom of the lake. 1ST 58 As a flower of the field has its root in the soil, as it must receive air, dew, showers, and sunshine, so must we receive from God that which ministers to the life of the soul. It is only through becoming partakers of His nature that we receive power to obey His commandments. 7T 194 The power that is near to deliver from physical harm or distress is also near to save from the greater evil, making it possible for the servant of God to maintain his integrity under all circumstances, and to triumph through divine grace. PK 545 Christians indeed may be fitly represented by the palm tree. They are like Enoch; although surrounded with corrupting influences their faith takes hold of the Unseen. They walk with God, deriving strength and grace from Him to withstand the moral pollution surrounding them. Like Daniel in the courts of Babylon, they stand pure and uncontaminated; their life is hid with Christ in God. They are virtuous in spirit amid depravity; they are true and loyal, fervent and zealous, while surrounded by infidels, hypocritical professors, godless and worldly men. Their faith and life are hid with Christ in God. Jesus is in them a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Faith, like the rootlets of the palm-tree, penetrates beneath the things which are seen, drawing spiritual nourishment from the fountain of life. 1RH 206 As the graft receives life when united to the vine, so the sinner partakes of the divine nature when connected with Christ. Finite man is united with the infinite God. 4T 355 In freeing our souls from the bondage of sin, God has wrought for us a deliverance greater than that of the Hebrews at the Red Sea. PP 289 Christ came to the world to show (men) that he had planted for them the tree of life, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations. He came to restore the moral image of God in man. . . The Lord Jesus came to strengthen every earnest seeker for truth; He came to reveal the Father. He allowed nothing to divert His mind from the great work of restoring the moral image of God in man. And we must see that the great and important work for us is to receive the divine likeness, to prepare a character for the future life. YI 374 Christ, enthroned in the soul-temple, will efface that fretful, peevish, unhappy look; and, as the cloud of witnesses look upon a man 264 reflecting the image of Christ, they will realize that he is surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere. The world will see that amid storms of abuse he stands unmoved, like the lofty cedar. That man is one of God’s heroes. He has overcome himself. 4T 348 As the flower turns to the sun that its bright rays may aid in perfecting its beauty and symmetry, so should Christ’s followers turn to the Sun of Righteousness, that heaven’s light may shine upon them, perfecting their characters, and giving them a deep and abiding experience in the things of God. It is beyond our power to conceive the blessings that are brought within our reach through Christ, if we will but unite our human effort with divine grace. YI 369 The ripening of the grain represents the completion of the work of God’s grace in the soul. By the power of the Holy Spirit the moral image of God is to be perfected in the character. We are to be wholly transformed into the likeness of Christ. 3RH 443 Take your hearts, by nature cold as an iron wedge, and let melting mercy fall upon them, that they may be subdued by the grace of God, and impressed by the Spirit with the image of your divine Lord. 4ST 373 God is purifying unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. He is sitting as a refiner and purifier of silver. When the dross and tin are removed, then His image will be perfectly reflected in us. 2T 317 In the transformation of character, the casting out of evil passions, the development of the sweet graces of God’s Holy Spirit, we see the fulfilment of the promise, “Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir-tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle-tree.” We behold life’s desert “rejoice, and blossom as the rose.” Christ delights to take apparently hopeless material, those whom Satan has debased and through whom he has worked, and make them the subjects of His grace. 6T 308-9 Look to the rock that is higher than you, plead with God in secret prayer for grace. All these “natural” infirmities can be overcome by grace. YI 34 Christ is in him a well of water springing up unto everlasting life, and the true follower of Christ strengthens the good purposes of every one with whom he comes in contact. Such believers are living, growing Christians. They carry with them the fragrance of holiness, and are reaching on to the measure of the stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. 3ST 29 265 He sees as in a glass the glory of the Lord, and is changed into the same image as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2ST 497 The mighty lever of truth takes us out of the quarry of the world, and places us in the work-shop of God, where we must submit to be hewed, and squared, and polished, if we would be fitted for the heavenly building. 2ST 110 The work of Christ in cleansing the leper from his terrible disease is an illustration of His work in cleansing the soul from sin. . . His touch imparted life-giving power. DA 266 God has made provisions for you that are ample. He has provided that if you comply with the conditions laid down in His Word, and separate from the world, you may receive strength from Him to repress every debasing influence, and to develop that which is noble, good and elevating. Christ will be in you “a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” The will, the intellect, and every emotion, when controlled by religion, has a transforming power. 3T 84 The Physician of soul and body, He gives victory over warring lusts. He has provided every facility, that man may possess completeness of character. MH 131 Receive into the soul by faith the incorruptible seed of the Word, and it will bring forth a character and a life after the similitude of the character and the life of God. COL 38 The Word of God is to us a daguerreotype of the mind of God and of Christ, also of man fallen, and of man renewed after the image of Christ, possessing the divine mind. 3T 538 The deeper the night for God’s people, the more brilliant the stars. Satan will sorely harass the faithful, but, in the name of Jesus, they will come off more than conquerors. 5T 81-82 The soil once overgrown by thorns can be reclaimed only by diligent labor. So the evil tendencies of the natural heart can be overcome only by earnest effort in the name and strength of Jesus. COL 56 The masterful passions of the heart no human power can control. We are as helpless here as were the disciples to control the raging storm. But He who spoke peace to the billows of Galilee has spoken the word of peace for every soul. However fierce the tempest, those who turn to Jesus with the cry, “Lord, save us,” will find deliverance. His grace, which reconciles the soul to God, quiets the strife of human passion, and in His love the heart is at rest. 5RH 459 266 The Hand that upholds the world, upholds and strengthens the weakest and most sinful human being. 4ST 151 We may be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Receiving Christ, we are clothed with power. An indwelling Saviour makes His power our property. The truth becomes our stock in trade, No unrighteousness is seen in the life. We are able to speak words in season to those who know not the truth. Christ’s presence in the heart is a vitalizing power, strengthening the entire being. 7T 71 They are rough stones hewed out of the quarry of the world by the cleaver of truth; but it is not the plan of God that they shall always remain rough stones. We shall all be brought into the work-shop of God, where the hammer and the chisel will be brought to bear upon us until we are hewed and squared; then we are to undergo a still nicer work of burnishing and polishing, until we are fitted for a place in God’s temple, when every stone will come into its place without the sound of an ax or a hammer. 1RH 384 Last Chapter | Tell of His Power Index | Next Chapter |