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Chapter 35

Christ Provides Us
With Many Examples

      Just to the degree in which the word of God is received and obeyed, will it impress with its potency and touch with its life every spring of action, every phase of character. It will purify every thought, regulate every desire. Those who make God’s word their trust will quit themselves like men and be strong. They will rise above all baser things into an atmosphere free from defilement.
      When man is in fellowship with God, that unswerving purpose which preserved Joseph and Daniel amidst the corruption of heathen courts, will make his a life of unsullied purity. His robes of character will be spotless. In his life the light of Christ will be undimmed. The Bright and Morning Star will appear shining steadfastly above him in changeless glory. MH 136

      Although the patriarchs and apostles were subject to human frailties, yet through faith they obtained a good report, fought their battles in the strength of the Lord, and conquered gloriously. Thus may we trust in the virtue of the atoning sacrifice, and be overcomers in the name of Jesus. 4T 15

      As you openly renounced sin and Satan, the three great powers of heaven pledged themselves to help you to overcome. . . . The character of the Christian is to be a reproduction of the character of Christ. The same love, the same grace, the same unselfish benevolence, that characterized the life of the Redeemer, are to characterize the lives of His followers. . . In His great mercy, God gives men and women power for service, strengthening them as He strengthened Joseph, Samuel, Daniel, Timothy, and many others who availed themselves of His promises. 4ST 222

      It is our privilege to stand with the light of heaven upon us. It was thus that Enoch walked with God. It was no easier for Enoch to live a righteous life than it is for us at the present time. The world in his time was no more favorable to growth in grace and holiness than it is now. It was by prayer and communion with God that Enoch was

enabled to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. We are living in the perils of the last days, and we must receive our strength from the same source. We must walk with God. 4RH 140

      Many regard Enoch as a man to whom God gave special power to live a life more holy than we can live. But the character of the man who was so holy that he was translated to heaven without seeing death is a representation of the character to be attained by those who will be translated when Christ comes in the clouds of heaven. Enoch’s life was no more exemplary than may be the life of every one who maintains a close connection with God. 4ST 363

      Enoch was a marked character. Many look upon his life as something above what the generality of mortals can ever reach. But Enoch’s life and character, which were so holy that he was translated to heaven without seeing death, represent what the lives and characters of all must be, if, like Enoch, they are to be translated when Christ shall come. His life was what the life of every individual may be if he closely connects with God. 1RH 543

      It was through constant conflict and simple faith that Enoch walked with God. We may do the same. 2ST 124

      Enoch represents those who shall remain upon the earth and be translated to Heaven without seeing death. He represents that company that are to live amid the perils of the last days, and withstand all the corruption, vileness, sin, and iniquity, and yet be unsullied by it all. We can stand as did Enoch. There has been provision made for us. Help has been laid upon One who is mighty; and we can all take hold upon His mighty strength. 1RH 94

      Were Enoch upon the earth to-day, his heart would be in harmony with all God’s requirements; he would walk with God, although surrounded with influences which are the most wicked and debasing. So may we remain pure and uncorrupted. 5RH 515

      The godly character of (Enoch) is to represent the state of holiness to which the people of God must attain, who expect to be translated to heaven. 2RH 233

      Enoch had temptations as well as we. He was surrounded with society no more friendly to righteousness than is that which surrounds us. The atmosphere he breathed was tainted with sin and corruption, the same as ours; yet he lived a life of holiness. He was unsullied with the prevailing sins of the age in which he lived. So may we remain pure and uncorrupted. He was a representative of the saints who live amid the perils of corruptions of the last days. 2 T, 122

      Those who are unwilling to forsake every sin and to seek earnestly for God’s blessing, will not obtain it. But all who will lay hold of God’s promises as did Jacob, and be as earnest and persevering as he was, will succeed as he succeeded. PP 203

      The Spirit that possessed Daniel, the youth of to-day may have; they may draw from the same source of strength, possess the same power of self-control, and reveal the same grace in their lives, even under circumstances as unfavorable. PK 489-90

      Such transformation of character as is seen in the life of John is ever the result of communion with Christ. There may be marked defects in the character of an individual, yet when he becomes a true disciple of Christ, the power of divine grace transforms and sanctifies him. Beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, he is changed from glory to glory, until he is like Him whom he adores. AA 559

      Although Daniel was a man of like passions with ourselves, the pen of inspiration presents him as a faultless character. His life is given us as a bright example of what man may become, even in this life, if he will make God his strength, and wisely improve the privileges and opportunities within his reach. 2ST 69; 4T 569

      The youth who desire to stand as Daniel stood must exert their spiritual powers to the very utmost, cooperating with God, and trusting wholly in the strength that He has promised to all who come to Him in humble obedience. YI 577

      The God of Daniel works mightily in behalf of every one who seeks to know and to do His will. By the impartation of His Spirit He strengthens every true purpose, every noble resolution. YI 579

      The Spirit which Enoch, Joseph, and Daniel possessed, we may have; we may draw from the same source of strength, possess the same power of self-control, and the same graces may shine out in our lives. 2ST 71

      Enoch lived in a corrupt age, when moral power was very weak. Pollution was teeming all around him; yet he walked with God. He educated his mind to devotion, - to think on things that were pure and holy; and his conversation was upon holy and divine things. He was made a companion of God. He walked with Him, and received His counsel. He had to contend with the same temptations that we do. The society surrounding him was no more friendly to righteousness than is the society surrounding us at the present time. The atmosphere he breathed was tainted with sin and corruption the same as ours; yet he was unsullied with the prevailing sins of the age in which he lived. And so may we remain as pure and

uncorrupted as did the faithful Enoch. He was a representative of the saints living amid the perils and corruptions of the last days. For his faithful obedience to God, he was translated. So, also, those who are alive and remain faithful, will be -translated to Heaven. They will be removed from a sinful and corrupt world to the pure joys of Heaven. 1RH 277

      Enoch walked with God for three hundred years. He was in harmony with the will of heaven. Enoch is a representative of the people who are to be translated from the earth. 2RH 287

      God desires us in our lives to give the people of the world an example of what they should be, and of what they can be through obedience to the gospel of Christ. 5RH 10

      God’s people will separate themselves from the unrighteous practices of those around them, and will seek for purity of thought, and holy conformity to His will, until His divine image will be reflected in them. Like Enoch, they will be fitting for translation to Heaven. 1ST 88

      Enoch walked with God three hundred years previous to his translation, and the state of the world was not more favorable for the perfection of Christian character then than it is today. How did Enoch walk with God? He educated his mind and heart to ever feel the presence of God, and when in perplexity his prayers would ascend to God to keep him, to teach him His will . . . Enoch was a representative of those who shall be on the earth when Christ shall come. 2ST 175

      This (John’s change) is the sure result of association with Jesus. As we meditate upon His character our hearts are drawn out in love, desire awakens to become like Him whom we love, and, by beholding, we become changed. When Christ abides in the heart, the whole nature is transformed. Everything that defileth is banished from the soul’s temple. Lust, base passions, impure thoughts, pride, inordinate affections, revenge, retaliation, covetousness, envy, all these are prohibited; and what we once loved, now we hate; for we become new creatures in Christ Jesus. Christ’s Spirit, Christ’s love, softens the heart, subdues the soul, and raises the thoughts and desires toward God and Heaven. 2ST 179

      (Man) has the privilege of becoming a partaker of the divine nature. This will give him power to conquer evil, and love and choose that which is good. He has a conscience, which, under the control of God, will approve the right and condemn the wrong. And he may, if he will, have fellowship with God. He may walk and talk with God as did Enoch. This holy companionship is denied to none who will believe

on Christ as their personal Saviour.
      By thus centering his affections upon the contemplation of God, man may develop a noble character. 3ST 409

      That time was no more favorable to the development of Christian character than is the present time, yet we read that Enoch walked with God. Christ was as verily Enoch’s Saviour as He is our Saviour, and in His power, notwithstanding the corruption of that degenerate age, Enoch perfected a Christian character. 4ST 65

      Before we can enter the heavenly courts, we must be refined, purified, elevated, and ennobled. In order to preserve the purity which God requires, the truth must be brought into constant contact with mind and heart. God calls upon His people to walk with Him, as did Enoch. 4ST 199

      The strong power of Satan upon the human race keeps them upon a low level; but this need not be so, else Enoch could not have become so elevated and ennobled as to walk with God. 4T 547

      To such communion God is calling us. As was Enoch’s must be their holiness of character who shall be redeemed from among men at the Lord’s second coming. 8T 331

      The godly character of this prophet (Enoch) represents the state of holiness which must be attained by those who shall be “redeemed from the earth” (Rev. 14:3) at the time of Christ’s second advent. . . like Enoch, God’s people will seek for purity of heart and conformity to His will, until they shall reflect the likeness of Christ. PP 889

      The beauty of holiness which had transformed (John) shone with a Christlike radiance from his countenance. In adoration and love he beheld the Saviour until likeness to Christ and fellowship with Him became his one desire, and in his character was reflected the characer of his Master. AA 545

      Be ambitious, for the Master’s glory, to cultivate every grace of character. In every phase of your character building you are to please God. This you may do; for Enoch pleased Him though living in a degenerate age. And there are Enochs in this our day. COL 332

      Souls that have borne the likeness of Satan have become transformed into the image of God. AA 476

      Those who have rendered obedience to God in all ages have been transformed in character, and in these last days when iniquity abounds on every hand, our wisdom and understanding before all

people will consist in our obedience to the standard of righteousness. 2ST 177

      Some few in every generation from Adam resisted his (Satan’s) artifice and stood forth as noble representatives of what it was in the power of man to do and to be -Christ working with human efforts, helping man in overcoming the power of Satan. Enoch and Elijah are the correct representatives of what the race might be through faith in Jesus Christ if they chose to be. Satan was greatly disturbed because these noble, holy men stood untainted amid the moral pollution surrounding them, perfected righteous characters, and were accounted worthy for translation to Heaven. As they stood forth in moral power in noble uprightness, overcoming Satan’s temptations, he could not bring them under the dominion of death. He triumphed that he had power to overcome Moses with his temptations, and that he could mar his illustrious character and lead him to the sin of taking glory to himself before the people which belonged to God. 1RH 142

      Thousands have drawn water from these wells of life, yet there is no diminishing of the supply. Thousands have set the Lord before them, and by beholding have been changed into the same image. COL 133-4

      The Christian may not be conscious of the great change; for the more closely he resembles Christ in character, the more humble will be his opinion of himself, but it will be seen and felt by all around him. Those who have had the deepest experience in the things of God, are the farthest removed from pride or self-exaltation. 5T 223

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