Previous Study | Index | Next Study ![]() What Is Hell? Download PDF of this page. From the beginning it has been the work of the devil to misrepresent the character of God. In heaven he interjected doubt into the minds of the angels as to the justice and love of God. In this work of deception he succeeded so well that one third of the angels followed him in rebellion. Revelation 12:3, 4, 7-9. Since his expulsion from heaven it has been his studied purpose to wreak havoc on this earth. He seeks to alienate the affections of Gods children by misrepresenting the character of God. By deception he has confused even those who profess to be Christians. Many people do not know that God is really a God of love. They do not understand His plan of salvation for fallen man. Millions of people have turned away from God, thinking Him to be unmerciful and unfair. They have done this in many cases because of a misunderstanding about the punishment of the wicked. Pagan beliefs and teachings have been mixed with Bible truth. By a misuse of texts, man-made theories are made to appear to have Biblical support. Robert Ingersoll, the prince of infidels, might have become a great Christian preacher. Unfortunately, he was taught that there would be many infants who would burn in hell through all eternity. He is reported to have said, If that is what God is like, I hate Him. If those who have been misinformed could only know what the Bible teaches concerning the punishment of the sinner, they would see the mercy, justice, and wisdom of God. Let us discover what the Bible really teaches concerning hell. 1. What does God say will be the final wages of sin? Romans 6:23 The Bible Says: The wages of sin is_______________; but the gift of God is _____________________________________through Jesus Christ our Lord. Note: The text does not say that the sinner will live forever in torment. Life and death are contrasted here. 2. What death does the Bible say is the final reward of the wicked? Revelation 20:14 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. When will this second death take place? Revelation 20:7-9, 14 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. How much of the sinner will be destroyed in the lake of fire? Matthew 10:28 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Note: Many entertain the belief that the soul cannot die, but the Bible says, The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Ezekiel 18:4. 5. How complete will be the effect of the fire in destroying the unrepentant sinner? Malachi 4:1-3 The Bible Says: The day that cometh shall___________________________ that it shall leave them___________________________________ (Verse l). They shall be_________________________________________ (Verse 3). 6. In what language does the psalmist describe the fate of the wicked? Psalm 37:20 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 7. How complete is to be the destruction of Satan, who is symbolized as the king of Tyrus? Ezekiel 28:18, 19 The Bible Says: I will bring thee__________________________ (Verse 18) Thou shalt never______________________________________ (Verse 19) PLEASE READ the entire parable that Christ gave concerning the sower and the seed. In this story Christ outlines the fate of the wicked and the reward of the righteous in detail. You will find this parable in Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43. 8. In His parable, when did Jesus indicate that the harvest, or the separation of good and evil, would take place? Matthew 13:39 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 9. In the parable when will the wicked, or the tares, be destroyed? Matthew 13:40 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Note: This should make it clear that the wicked are not burning now. 10. When will Christ send forth His angels to separate the good from the evil? Matthew 24:30, 31 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Note: The unquenchable fire of Matthew 3:11, 12 means that Gods destructive fires cannot be put out, but they will go out when they have done their work. Malachi 4:3. 11. Where will the righteous live after the harvest? Matthew 13:43; Matthew 5:5 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 12. To what will the redeemed have access throughout eternity? Revelation 22:1, 2 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 13. How does God contrast the reward of the saved and the fate of the lost? Isaiah 1:19, 20 The Bible Says: If ye be willing and obedient________________________ But if ye refuse and rebel________________________________________. 14. What is Gods desire for all mankind? II Peter 3:9 The Bible Says: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ God so loved the world that He sent His Son to die for us. Jesus has paid the price for our redemption, but God will not force us to accept Christ as our Saviour. If we want forgiveness and cleansing, we can have it. On the other hand, if we are determined to continue in sin, God cannot save us. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? Hebrews 2:3. God is not only merciful, but He is a God of justice. If a person refuses the free gift of salvation, he will be destroyed. The person who clings to his sins would not be happy in heaven. There will be no bars in the New Jerusalem. Gone will be all other places of evil and vice. Only those who have learned to love righteousness will desire to be there. Millions of people in other lands long for the privilege of coming to America and becoming citizens of the United States, but they are unable to realize their dreams. Immigration quotas are low. Many are vainly waiting their turn to come to this land of opportunity. Some will never live long enough to be admitted. This is not true of the new earth which God has in preparation for the redeemed. Every person who is WILLING AND OBEDIENT can become a citizen of that country. The decision is up to us individually whether we spend eternity in heaven or are destroyed. We can choose to love and obey God, or we can choose to neglect or refuse His great salvation. If we will seek His help, Jesus will create in us a desire to do His will. Wont you accept Jesus today and prepare to become a citizen of Gods wonderful new world? ![]() Previous Study | Index | Next Study |