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The 2300 Literal Days
~ Further Study page 2 ~

Please note:  It is very important in this
portion of the study to understand that the
bottom-half of the Mirror Chart is covering the
events and times of the literal 2300 days,
i.e. during the fulfillment of the last-day events,
ending with the cleansing of forgiven sin
in the Heavenly Sanctuary by our High Priest —Christ.

Further Study 1
(This Further Study page came from the section; It is not my intention . . . Please understand.)
    —That being said . . . let us take these prophecies a step further and show how the measuring rod of God’s calendar and the prophetic timelines actually work. How do we calculate these timelines and their Feast Day events at their beginning and/or end of the timelines?

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      We know that the longest prophetic timeline, the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14, ends on a Fall Feast —The Day of Atonement. We know this by at least two verses in Daniel 8—
(1)  Daniel 8:14: “. . . then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”
Place the following on the fs1 with more study and Bible text.
The key words which shows the event at the end of the 2300 days is sanctuary and cleansed.

(2)  Daniel 8:19: “. . . for at the time appointed the end shall be.”

      In addition to the previous two verses is the commentary from Gabriel stating the 2300 days and the cleansing of the (Heavenly) sanctuary as a last-day event. “Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.” “Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation.” “And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.” Daniel 8:17, 19, 26.

Place the following comments:
Is it the temple in Jerusalem or the Heavenly Temple where Christ is the High Priest which is to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days?

      The following charts show how to use a date calculator to prove that a prophetic timeline begins on one Feast Day and ends on another.

The above chart is a screen shot of the date calculator which is found at (Arrow 1). Once there . . .
Click on the Calculators tab (Arrow 2)
Click on the Date Calculator tab (Arrow 3)
This page is the Date calculator: Add to or subtract from a date (Arrow 4)
 (Clicking on the charts will give a larger copy.)

At the bottom of the above chart is the working primise/scenario (red-yellow arrow) for using the date calculator.

The 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8
      In certain periods of time between seasons of Spring and Fall Feast, there are exactly 2300 days between the Feast of Pentecost in one year and the Feast of Trumpets/Day of Atonement about seven years later, or exactly even cycles of Spring and Fall Feast.
Note: Prophetic timelines (in this case the 2300 days) can have a fulfillment only during certain continuous years; they can NOT have a fulfillment in every sequence of years. The reasons for this can be two things: (1) the variation of the starting dates of a month(s) caused by the sighted new moon, (2) and the variation of a month caused by the Feast of the First Fruits.
      The more I study the fulfillment of these prophetic timelines with their assosiated Feast Days in last-day events, the more I am convinced that we are about to see a Glory! Rev 10:1. The human mind cannot comprehend how Palmoni, the Wonderful Number (Dan 8:13; “certain saintH6422; Numberer or Revealer of secrets, a Wonderful Revealer, Isa 9:6), can cause this prophetic timeline, as well as all the other timelines, to have their fulfillment all within the boundaries of the 2300 days. It is not enough to say, Praise our Heavenly Father as He works through the last events of redemption through His Son having such a great love for the last generation!!! It is truely a wonderful time to live in!

The above chart shows the date calculator filled in for the 2300 days.
 Place a Spring (or Fall) Feast date, preferably a known date, into the month/day/year windows. In this case we are choosing a known Spring Feast, Pentecost, June 1, 2007. (Arrow 1)
 Choose Add or Subtract depending on the calculation; in this case Add. (Arrow 2)
 Enter the amount of days to calulate; in this case 2300 days. (Arrow 3)
 And press the Calculate new date button. (Arrow 4)

The above chart shows that a yellow window appears below the data entry area with the Result: (in this case) Tuesday, September 17, 2013. This is the exact day our small group honored the Day of Atonement!
Let’s take this a step further . . .
The above chart shows the date calculator filled in for the 490 days.
 Place a Spring Feast date, the same beginning date as the 2300 days example, into the month/day/year windows. In this case we are choosing a known Spring Feast, Pentecost, June 1, 2007. (Arrow 1)
 Choose Add or Subtract depending on the calculation; in this case Add. (Arrow 2)
 Enter the amount of days to calulate; in this case 490. (Arrow 3)
 And press the Calculate new date button. (Arrow 4)

The above chart shows that a yellow window appears below the data entry area with the Result: (in this case) Friday, October 3, 2008. This calculation places the end result at a Day of Atonement!

It appears that the 2300 literal days and the 70 weeks (490 literal days) will start at the same date, as they did in prophetic history. It is no wonder that the 2300 days ends in the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary, the Day of Atonement, at the end of the days. But isn’t it interesting that the time alloted to the church to finish it’s seven fold mission (Dan 9:24), also ends on a Day of Atonement!

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